سایر محصولات از این دسته
Avaya License IPO R10 ACCS ENABLEMENT UPG (383735) لایسنس آوایافروش لایسنس IPO R9 ESSNTL ED ADI LIC (275631) AVAYA آوایاAvaya License IPO R9 AVAYA TTS 1 ADI LIC (275621) لایسنس آوایا
Text to Speech (TTS) Licenses
TTS can be used within customized voicemail call flows to speak information to callers rather than having to record prompts for the call flow or speak results of IVR queries. Three options are supported for TTS operation: Messaging TTS (ScanSoft) License: IPO R9 AVAYA TTS 1 ADI LIC (275621) This license enables the use of Scansoft TTS speech engines. The Scansoft TTS engines are delivered on a separate DVD that has to be purchased and installed additionally. Supported on Windows VM Pro only. Multiple licenses can combined for the number of simultaneous uses of TTS required up to the number of voicemail channels licensed.